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Beehive Coaching and Leadership Development Ltd

The b.SAFE D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture Model - Webinar series

Do you want to create an environment in your organisation in which you trust your employees and they trust you? Do you want to reduce the numbers of accidents, defects and injuries? Do you want to take the next step in safety culture? Do you want to do 'Safety Differently?'

Beehive's ' Trust-based Safety Culture Model' is the result of research carried out between 2013 and 2015 by Beehive in partnership with Bangor University's Wales centre for Behaviour Change and Alstom Power Services. Trust was found to be the most important interpersonal factor in Interdependent safety culture as measured on the DuPont Bradley Curve. But trust is an attitude, not a behaviour. You cannot mandate for trust. All you can do is create an environment in which trust is encouraged to flourish. And to do this, your organisation, management and employees have to be trustworthy.

b.SAFE - Safety Culture by  Beehive

Reenactment workshops

The use of reenactment is a common learning tool in safety critical industries where learning through trial and error is not an option.  The use of actors, role play and reenactment engage and immerse participants in a way second only to real life, allowing them to rehearse and debrief specific scenarios and situations to give them a new way forwards or to maximise the learning.

b.SAFE reenactment workshops combine our 20 years of experience of organisational behaviour, cutting edge research into safety behaviours, highly skilled and experienced actors and expert Beehive facilitators to enhance behaviour change in areas such as:

  • Interactive safety workshops. We design bespoke workshops that include the reenactment of events and accidents using our associate script writers and director, and combine this with a 'fast forward' and 'rewind' facility and interpersonal skills development to enable participants to engage with the actors and test out different ways of approaching a situation and how that might change/have changed the ending
  • Essential conversations and performance management. In this workshop we combine a basic performance management model with assertiveness and communication skills training. Participants can bring their own experience of unsatisfactory conversations to the workshop, and working with actors try out different ways of approaching a similar situation in future, or rehearse a future conversation to get the best from it

Reenactment: At the Permit Office Permitry Workshop - Delegates watching a video

Reenactment: examples from real life incidents are a valuable learning tool

b.SAFE 'Fundamentals of Human Performance' one-day workshop

Beehive now offers a one-day introduction to Human Performance workshop, the b.SAFE 'Fundamentals of Human Performance'. ‘Human Performance focuses on both reducing errors and managing defences to create immunity from significant events’ (UK Nuclear Human Performance Forum).

To view introductory slides please download them here Human Performance Introductory Slides. For more information please contact Beehive on 01492 550 960 or email Sara at

NS4P Industry Standard Logo

"This is a cutting edge company, way ahead of their rivals. I should know, I worked with them developing our company behaviour programme. Amazing results, just ask our clients. Mick Edwards, HSE Manager, GE"

Beehive has been working in the field of behavioural safety and safety culture for the last seven years, applying its organisational development expertise and tried and tested behaviour change approaches to safety critical sectors including the nuclear and power industries. b.SAFE is Beehive's safety culture brand.

The change from ISO 18001 to 45001 requires significant shifts in both behaviours and culture, and Beehive is ideally positioned to support organisations through the transition process.

The importance of trust to safety

Watch Ross White, Assurance Director for Loram UK, tell Mark Sykes of Beehive why trust is important to safety. Ross has been building the safety culture at Loram with the help of Beehive, the D2iP Safety Leadership Programme, and the D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture Model.

Interdependency is the safety culture associated with the fewest accidents and injuries and is therefore the safest way of working - (ref research Du Pont Bradley Curve).Trust is the key interpersonal component of Interdependency - (ref Beehive/Bangor University research).

Trust is an attitude. To increase trust and therefore interdependency it is necessary to demonstrate you are worthy of trust by displaying trustworthy behaviours - (ref Beehive/Bangor research &Trustworthiness Elements)

If you demonstrate trustworthiness through the five principles, others are invited to reciprocate and therefore trust and interdependency builds. The five Principles are:

  1. Meaning
  2. Interest in others
  3. Openness
  4. Integrity
  5. Intentionality

The D2iP b.SAFE Safety Leadership Programme is designed to introduce the five principles of trustworthy behaviour and trustworthy leadership within the organisation.

Licensed 'Emotional resilience' and 'Suicide awareness' modules

At Beehive we believe that well-being and safety go hand in hand. We therefore offer well-being workshops and programmes, including licensed training modules in emotional resilience and suicide awareness. To find out more about these workshops,click here.

b.SAFE ILM Level 5 'Coaching for Safety' Programme

Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Level Five accredited certificate

Beehive approached ILM in 2016 with a proposal for an ILM coaching and mentoring programme that combined:

  • The rigour of the ILM coaching and mentoring accreditation process with
  • A specific focus on safety culture and process improvement

We wanted to maintain the integrity of the level 5 accreditation with its focus on skills development and organisational context, but replacing the usual organisational models with those from behavioural modification, safety culture and human performance to make the programme context specific. After consultation Beehive was given permission to design and market the programme.

We are the only organisation offering this particular combination of accreditation, skills development and context-specific content.

Programme structure

The programme is five days in length, comprising three taught modules with guided learning and practical workplace activities in between. Accreditation is achieved through the submission of assignments and the completion of 12 hrs of documented workplace coaching or mentoring.

1) Induction - Phone call from facilitator and reflective questionnaire.

2) Guided learning - Resource list for research and guided learning between modules including independent research, reading, practise of techniques, completion of individual exercises to increase self-awareness, and reflection and maintenance of the learning log.

3) Input Modules - See below

4) Coaching practise and supervision - The ILM requirement for level 5 certificate is for 12 hrs of coaching practise which can include on-site and task observation

5) Assignment submission - The submission date for assignments is six months after the end of the modules.

For more information download here: b.SAFE

Behavioural interviewing

Recruiting employees with the right safety attitudes and behaviours is much more cost effective than trying to change those behaviours at work. At the very least, recruiting people who are open to learning and change will make changing behaviours easier in the future. Beehive provides:

  • Behavioural analysis
  • Behavioural interview training for HR and recruitment staff 

to ensure you get not just the skills but the behaviours and attitudes you need.  Download our 'Top Five Tips for Behavioural Interviewing' here.