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Beehive Coaching and Leadership Development Ltd

What is the D2iP b.SAFE Leadership Programme?

The D2iP b.SAFE Leadership Programme is a highly practical, 12 month development programme, aimed at developing the interpersonal or 'soft' leadership skills that most contribute to building a safe working environment. When 70% of accidents are due to human factors, an understanding of why people do what they do and how to manage, influence, motivate and engage them is vital to error reduction.

Why is it called ‘D2iP?

D2iP stands for ‘Dependency to Interdependency Programme’ and refers to the research undertaken by Du Pont and their Bradley Curve. The Bradley Curve describes four different types of safety culture - ‘Reactive’, ‘Dependent’, ‘Independent’ and ‘Interdependent’ - and the levels of accident and injury for each type. The more Interdependent behaviours are the fewer accidents and injuries occur. Developing leadership behaviours that promote Interdependency is the aim of the programme. 

Why ‘development’ and not ‘training’ programme?

‘Training’ is generally task, skill or process related, with the aim of bringing participants up to a uniform minimum standard. ‘Development’ is longer term and focused on the individual - it involves changes to beliefs and attitudes not just behaviours – this takes more time but the results can be transformational both for the individual and the organisation. The D2iP has five development modules, each of which builds on the learning from the last and is intended to stretch participants both personally and professionally. 

Why include one-to-one coaching?

A key element of the programme is personal support for participants in the form of one-to-one coaching back at work. We include coaching because:

  1. It's the best way of ensuring that the learning from the modules gets implemented 
  2. It personalises the programme making it more effective - everyone’s job and particular situation is different
  3. People learn at different rates and need to learn different things
  4. Changing behaviour can be a real challenge and requires support and planning
  5. It helps us to challenge participants thinking and assumptions
  6. It's part of our evaluation process - we use the ADDIE model of training design, and coaching helps us to evaluate the programme and the results

Who’s designed the programme?

Alstom Power, now GE Power Services, collaborated with Beehive and Bangor University’s Wales Centre for Behaviour Change on the design of the original D2iP programme.  Beehive and Bangor University are continuing to develop the thinking behind the programme, and the D2iP b.SAFE Leadership Programme is developing and changing as a result. 

Feedback from participants:

  • 'I would go as far to say this is the best training I have been on'
  • ‘Will be able to read and approach people and situations more clearly as a direct result of this course. Considerable increase in awareness.’
  • “At this moment I am preparing for an outage and am thinking about elements discussed and practised through the Modules and how I can implement during my work and also on a personal front’
  • ‘Communication is key!’

D2iP Leadership Programme structure

The programme takes place over 12 months and comprises an induction and five highly practical development modules with one-to-one workplace coaching in between:

•Induction - Introduction to the programme
Module One - 'Building Safety through Human Performance' followed by workplace coaching
Module Two - 'Building Safety through Coaching' followed by workplace coaching
•Module Three - 'Building Safety through Teams' followed by workplace coaching
•Module Four - 'Building Safety through Essential Conversations' followed by workplace coaching
•Module Five - 'Building Safety through Leadership'

The b.SAFE D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture Model - Webinar series

Do you want to create an environment in your organisation in which you trust your employees and they trust you? Do you want to reduce the numbers of accidents, defects and injuries? Do you want to take the next step in safety culture? Do you want to do 'Safety Differently?'

Beehive's ' Trust-based Safety Culture Model' is the result of research carried out between 2013 and 2015 by Beehive in partnership with Bangor University's Wales centre for Behaviour Change and Alstom Power Services. Trust was found to be the most important interpersonal factor in Interdependent safety culture as measured on the DuPont Bradley Curve. But trust is an attitude, not a behaviour. You cannot mandate for trust. All you can do is create an environment in which trust is encouraged to flourish. And to do this, your organisation, management and employees have to be trustworthy.

Interdependency is the safety culture associated with the fewest accidents and injuries and is therefore the safest way of working - (ref research Du Pont Bradley Curve).Trust is the key interpersonal component of Interdependency - (ref Beehive/Bangor University research).

Trust is an attitude. To increase trust and therefore interdependency it is necessary to demonstrate you are worthy of trust by displaying trustworthy behaviours - (ref Beehive/Bangor research &Trustworthiness Elements)

If you demonstrate trustworthiness through the five principles, others are invited to reciprocate and therefore trust and interdependency builds. The five Principles are:

  1. Meaning
  2. Interest in others
  3. Openness
  4. Integrity
  5. Intentionality

The D2iP b.SAFE Safety Leadership Programme is designed to introduce the five principles of trustworthy behaviour and trustworthy leadership within the organisation.

Behavioural interviewing

Recruiting employees with the right safety attitudes and behaviours is much more cost effective than trying to change those behaviours at work. At the very least, recruiting people who are open to learning and change will make changing behaviours easier in the future. Beehive provides:

  • Behavioural analysis
  • Behavioural interview training for HR and recruitment staff 

to ensure you get not just the skills but the behaviours and attitudes you need.  Download our 'Top Five Tips for Behavioural Interviewing' here.