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D2iT Principle 3 - Interest in others

Human needs

All humans have the same set of basic needs:

  • To be recognised for who they are and what they do.
  • To be given the chance to develop and learn.
  • To be heard and to have a voice.
  • To be treated fairly.
Meeting these needs is the key to motivation and high morale, to leadership, to followership, and to safety. Coaching styles of supervision and leadership, coaching and mentoring, listening, involving people in decision making where possible, ‘catching people doing it right’ are all examples of how you can show interest in the people around you. It helps to build commitment, not just compliance.
In the third webinar of the series we'll take a look at one aspect of showing interest in others, and the transformational impact it can have on how people feel about their work and the meaning they derive from it, and on their willingness to be open with and to. To book your place please go to An Introduction to The D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture Model

Interdependency is the safety culture associated with the fewest accidents and injuries and is therefore the safest way of working - (ref research Du Pont Bradley Curve).Trust is the key interpersonal component of Interdependency - (ref Beehive/Bangor University research).

Trust is an attitude. To increase trust and therefore interdependency it is necessary to demonstrate you are worthy of trust by displaying trustworthy behaviours - (ref Beehive/Bangor research &Trustworthiness Elements)

If you demonstrate trustworthiness through the five principles, others are invited to reciprocate and therefore trust and interdependency builds. The five Principles are:

  1. Meaning
  2. Interest in others
  3. Openness
  4. Integrity
  5. Intentionality

The D2iP b.SAFE Safety Leadership Programme is designed to introduce the five principles of trustworthy behaviour and trustworthy leadership within the organisation.