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Beehive Coaching and Leadership Development Ltd

'An Introduction to the D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture Model' Zoom Webinar Series

'Coaching for Nuclear Safety Culture' workshop title

'Coaching for Nuclear Safety Culture' one-day workshop

Beehive Coaching and Leadership Development Ltd is a business with coaching at its heart – the clue’s in the name. November 2018 saw Beehive pilot its new ‘Coaching for Nuclear Safety Culture’ (Coaching4NSC) workshop with the National Skills Academy Nuclear in Manchester. The one-day workshop combines practical coaching input and skills practice with the WANO Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture. Its aim is to explore how adopting the first can contribute significantly to achieving the second.

The workshop also introduced to the world Beehive’s new ‘coaching characters’, drawn and developed by director and illustrator Sara Lodge, with the intention of anchoring key coaching models and concepts in the workplace.

Meet OSCAR and TED, who personify Beehive’s coaching approach and coaching models, and Prudence, a human performance specialist representing the ‘conservative bias’ so important to nuclear safety culture.

The C4HNSC workshop is now available as three x 2.5 hr Zoom workshops. For more details contact

The Coaching4NSC workshop joins Beehive’s suite of workshops in the ‘Transforming Safety Behaviours’ family. It’s the first in what will become a series of behavioural workshops exploring the WANO healthy nuclear safety culture traits, helping businesses in the supply chain work towards a healthy nuclear safety culture. The series will show how the traits can be embedded and developed in supply chain organisations through non-directive coaching, human performance, and Beehive’s unique trust-based safety culture model the D2iT, the result of research into safety culture with the Wales Centre for Behaviour Change.

Beehive has been at the cutting edge of behavioural safety and safety culture in the nuclear and power sectors for the last 10 years. An employer-nominated provider for NSAN for that time, Beehive is committed to quality, gaining the prestigious NS4P stamp for many of its flagship behavioural programmes such as the b.SAFE D2iP Safety Leadership Programme.

'Transforming Safety Behaviours' - three x one-day workshops,Brathay Trust, Cumbria

Beehive has since been working within safety critical sectors such as the nuclear industry, power generation and the rail industry, supporting clients as they strive to build high trust environments. 'An Introduction to the D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture Model' is a series of five x 1 hr webinars, each introducing one of the five basic principles of the D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture Model. Find out more about the principles here:
  1. Meaning
  2. Openness
  3. Interest in Others
  4. Integrity
  5. Intentionality

To help our clients understand the individual and organisational behaviours that form the basis of a high-trust environment. The series begins on Thursday July 23rd 2020 at 1400 hrs and the live webinars take place every Thursday at the same time for the next five weeks. Each webinar builds on the one before, helping you to build your high-trust environment at work. This series is aimed at supervisory and middle managerial levels. The sessions include background, theory, case studies, practical applications and ways of action planning for your organisation. Each webinar will be available on-demand after the live webinar has aired, so even if you can't join us live you'll be able to access the series at your convenience.

The series is hosted on Zoom and requires registration. You will need a free Zoom account to access the webinars. The cost for all five webinars is £99 plus VAT.

To register using Eventbrite please go to 'An Introduction to Beehive's D2iT Trust-based Safety Culture' Webinar Series

At Beehive we know that transforming safety behaviours requires the right Mindset + Skills + Tools

Our three x one day, experiential ‘Transforming Safety Behaviours’ workshops includes:

  1. 'Human Performance Fundamentals' workshop
  2. 'Coaching for Safety' workshop
  3. 'Mentoring Apprentices' workshop

and aims to equip supervisors and managers with the knowledge, tools and skills they need to transform safety behaviours at work.

'Transforming Safety Behaviours' is a b.SAFE@Brathay event, using Brathay Hall’s unique experiential learning environment. We use outdoor activities as a way of simulating safety critical environments, giving an immediacy and relevance that simple classroom based approaches do not have. For more information about Brathay go to Brathay Trust.

Each day is a stand-alone workshop and can be booked separately or together. To download and information pack click here:Transforming Safety Behaviours Information

'Human Performance Fundamentals' One-day Workshop

Every hour every one of us makes on average five errors and in the workplace and every error could lead to an incident or significant event.

Human performance is a systems-based approach to error reduction combining organisational defences, safety culture, safety behaviours and error prevention tools and techniques.

This workshop provides participants with an appreciation of Human Performance theory as well as tools and techniques that will help them reduce error and avoid or mitigate the impact of incidents and events.

The workshop includes:

  • History and principles of Human Performance
  • Different types of error
  • Error pre-cursors
  • Human Performance tools
  • GEMS Model
  • Barriers Model
  • Anatomy of an event model

'Coaching for Safety' One-day Workshop

A coaching style of management has long been associated with improved results and productivity and the benefits are now being felt in the field of health and safety. Coaching is not just about using open questions – it is a fundamental shift in mindset and behaviours which increases accountability and empowerment and ultimately saves lives.

The coaching mindset and coaching skills do not just improve the effectiveness of Human Performance and other error avoidance tools and models, they increase engagement in safety and employee engagement and participation, a key element of the new ISO 45001 safety standard.

The workshop covers;

  • The coaching mindset – using the PAC Model
  • Key coaching skills
  • ‘Diamond’ conversations
  • The OSCAR coaching Model
  • ‘Coaching on the go’
  • The Coaching Compass – a team coaching model

And, importantly, because coaching is a practical skill we provide lots of opportunity for practise!

‘Mentoring Apprentices’ One-day Workshop

While the value of supporting apprentices through mentoring is increasingly being recognized, 75% of managers feel they fulfil the role of mentor, but only 26% of millennials agree, demonstrating a significant mentoring knowledge and skills gap.

Mentoring is not just for apprentices, however. It can provide support to anyone going through a significant workplace transition, and is an effective way of capturing and passing on tacit knowledge across functions and age profiles.

This workshop provides participants with:

  • An introduction to what mentoring is and isn’t
  • Planning a mentoring scheme
  • How to maximise the benefits of a mentoring relationship
  • Mentoring models including The Heroes Journey
  • Key skills and tools for mentoring
  • Understanding different generations at work
  • Mentoring as a model of skills and knowledge transfer
  • ‘Reverse’ mentoring
  • Diversity

Interdependency is the safety culture associated with the fewest accidents and injuries and is therefore the safest way of working - (ref research Du Pont Bradley Curve).Trust is the key interpersonal component of Interdependency - (ref Beehive/Bangor University research).

Trust is an attitude. To increase trust and therefore interdependency it is necessary to demonstrate you are worthy of trust by displaying trustworthy behaviours - (ref Beehive/Bangor research &Trustworthiness Elements)

If you demonstrate trustworthiness through the five principles, others are invited to reciprocate and therefore trust and interdependency builds. The five Principles are:

  1. Meaning
  2. Interest in others
  3. Openness
  4. Integrity
  5. Intentionality

The D2iP b.SAFE Safety Leadership Programme is designed to introduce the five principles of trustworthy behaviour and trustworthy leadership within the organisation.